How To Set Up Ableton Push 2 Mac

Posted By admin On 04.01.21
How To Set Up Ableton Push 2 Mac Average ratng: 9,9/10 3587 reviews
I just got a BCF2000 and it looks real solid. The thing is that assigning controls to the knobs/faders hasn't worked yet and I can't figure out how.
  1. Ableton Push 2 Review
  2. How To Set Up Ableton Push 2 Mac Download
  3. Ableton Push 2 Manual

Ableton Push 2 Review

Push is the music making instrument that perfectly integrates with Ableton Live. Make a song from scratch with hands on control of melody, beats and structure. Sep 19, 2012  However, 4800 provides more headroom and is increasingly considered standard. If you have a mastering engineer, or your music is being set to video, it’s best to get their input on what you are using here. Free deckadance 2 le dj software. You have now set up your audio interface to be used by Ableton.

First off, in Live's preferences menu, for the BCF2000 what should be selected under the Input and Output columns? Should the input be Port 1 or 2 and should the output be port 1, 2, or 3?

How To Set Up Ableton Push 2 Mac Download

Then, how do I assign an arbitrary control to a knob/fader? I tried clicking the MIDI map mode button on the top right of Live, then started turning a knob on the BCF2000, but nothing happens.
Can anyone please help? I'm running Ableton Live 6 on a Macbook using only USB.

Ableton Push 2 Manual

(as a side note: its evident that the BCF IS in fact communicating with Live because when i move the leftmost faders (1, 2, and 3) they DO control the volume/peak of the respective tracks 1, 2, and 3 in the column view. I did not set this up, it just did it by itself)